PhD and Masters students supervision
Thesis supervision
Huicheng Zhang - Master’s thesis, “Hierarchical Music Source Separation Using Mixing Secret Multi-track Dataset.”, 2022
Christos Filippidis - Master’s thesis, “Singing Voice Separation Using Interpretable Deep Learning.”, 2022
Nicolás Schmidt - Master’s thesis, “PodcastMix: A dataset for separating music and speech in podcasts.”, 2021
Genís Plaja i Roglans - Master’s thesis, “Data-driven Vocal Pitch Extraction for Indian Art Music Melodic Analysis.”, 2021
Aditya Bhattacharjee - Master’s thesis, “Exploring Robust Music Fingerprinting Methods With Data-driven Methodologies.”, 2021
Pedro Ramoneda - Master’s thesis, “ Computational methods to study piano music in education context”, 2021
Gerard Erruz - Master’s thesis, “Source separation for 3D audio scenes using convolutional neural networks”, 2017
Hector Martel - Undergraduate thesis, “Training and evaluation of a source separation model for HipHop music”, 2017
Pritish Chandna - Master’s thesis, “Audio Source Separation Using Deep Neural Networks.”, 2016
I officially co-supervised Genís Plaja and Pedro Ramoneda’s PhD theses, working on music source separation and music learning. On another side, I worked closely with other PhD students in the MTG: Guillem Cortès, Hyon Kim, Jyoti Narang, Alia Morsi.